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Medicare is a Big Factor to People Living Longer

Medicare is a Big Factor to People Living Longer

By Yvonne De Brazil in Medicare/Senior News
Medicare is a Big Factor to People Living Longer

People are living longer than they ever have in all of recorded history. You want to know why? Because of Medicare.

There are two reasons for this: the first one is, studies have shown that when a person becomes of Medicare age, they often get healthier because they start making better use of the medical system.

And second, Medicare is so generous that it has incentivized health providers and pharmaceutical companies to actively seek medical advances and develop new drugs and therapies that make greater longevity possible.

Medicare has been a tremendous contributor to the ability of seniors to stay active longer and to have greatly improved quality of life as a they grow older.

Dear Yvonne, It’s a pleasure to be able to say how much your experience, knowledge and accessibility have meant as I have navigated into the Medicare and Supplemental Insurance waters. It’s hard enough to face the fact that “these years” have arrived, yet you have continued to make it understandable and have been a true beacon along the way! Your gentle advice is greatly appreciated and I do thank you.
Lynne Tahmisian