To Reach Me In Person: 805.962.0292 or Outside of Santa Barbara: 888.444.7022


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I could not ask for, nor hope to find someone so knowledgeable and helpful as Yvonne. She has guided me expertly for years, always to my benefit.
Anne Rydfors

Healthy News

Lifestyle Beats Genes in the Longevity Race

Lifestyle Beats Genes in the Longevity Race
By Yvonne De Brazil in Medicare/Senior News

An article published in the Journal of Internal Medicine reveals that our own actions may be more important than inherited factors in dictating how long we live. The study was conducted on 855 men, beginning at age 50. The information collected by the researchers included details about the family history


Hospital Food So Fresh, Even the Healthy Come to Dine

Hospital Food So Fresh, Even the Healthy Come to Dine
By Yvonne De Brazil in Medicare/Senior News

When was the last time you heard that hospital food was good? Well, it is at Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton, Virginia. Their meals are $4.50 per plate, and predictably, they don't make a profit. This restaurant sounds so enticing that to hear it described, you'd think you were reading Fine Dining Magazine. But you're not.


Over 90 and Loving It!

Over 90 and Loving It!
By Yvonne De Brazil in Medicare/Senior News

If ever you wondered if we were in the midst of a Longevity Revolution, watch this short video Over 90 and Loving it! by Susan Polis Schulz. The film demonstrates that age is only a mindset, and when one sets their mind to ignore it then life is continually full and fresh.


Working Later by Choice, or not.

Working Later by Choice, or not.
By Yvonne De Brazil in Medicare/Senior News

Now here’s one that will surprise you: It’s all over the news about job growth being weak, but guess which sector of the population where employment is ‘growing’? If you guess older Americans, you’re right!


The Medicare Effect Longevity with Joy

The Medicare Effect  Longevity with Joy
By Yvonne De Brazil in Medicare/Senior News

Much of what we hear in the news is about how to care for our aging elders, but that isn’t what I see in my business, which is exclusively comprised of older Americans on Medicare. What I see most of the time is older adults living VERY productive lives well into an advanced age.